Monday, 6 February 2012

How the sales of CDs have changed in the last five years

Judging by the statistics over the last five years, the sales of CD in sommercial properties is only set to get worse. And perple now change their consumer behaviour, they more likely buy the individual single rather then the whole ablum. But the changing of consumer habits is not be the only factor affecting music industry. Piracy is also  a fact of the dropping. Unless decisive action is taken in 2012, investment in music could fall again, a creative crunch that will destroy jobs.

Philip Buxton, a digital media consultant, stated that the industry must learn from the ever changing music consumer behaviour, rather than trying to change the shopping way of life: “People now buy the individual songs they like rather than buying the whole album because they like a single. So they might buy the single and then use services like Spotify and Lastfm to listen to the other tracks and are then much more selective about what they purchase. The implication for the record industry is that they need to embrace this new model rather than fight it.”


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